This week was pretty uneventful. I started Monday off by doing our laundry. Since we do not have our own washer and dryer, laundry is always a big pain. I usually procrastinate until we have at least 6-8 loads, and then I have to haul it all up to the community laundry facility across the parking lot. It is $1.25 per load to wash and another $1.25 to dry. Then I have to fold it and haul it all back to our townhouse. The dogs love to lay on the back of the couch in the window and watch me make the trek back and forth over and over...Monday was also the start of a few snowy days. We actually got several inches of snow by Tuesday morning. Tuesday was my usual day in clinic, and Tuesday night I went to a free dinner sponsored by one of the national optical chains in an attempt to get us interested in working commercial optometry. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were also pretty basic days, and I filled my time not in class with preparations for the upcoming VOSH trip to Mexico. Friday afternoon I did manage to squeeze in some time for fun with Josh and Lezlie Jones. We ate lunch at Panera and then we saw the movie, “Precious.” It received many awards, and I can see why because it was a very emotional movie. Friday night Nick and I continued the fun and went bowling with Candice Olund, Thai Yue, Josh & Lezlie Jones. It was cosmic bowling and we had a great time. Saturday and Sunday were Nick’s scheduled weekend days to work at Woodbridge, and I covered a clinic shift for a friend on Saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday nights were pretty lazy days for us, we didn’t really venture out much, but we got caught up on cleaning, shows on the DVR, and a bit of scrapbooking and homework for me, and made some soup and grilled cheese for dinner.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 25-31
Posted by Kacie at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 18-24
Posted by Kacie at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
January 11-17
Monday of this week was the last time I will ever have a “first day of classes,” which was really exciting for me. My schedule is pretty busy this year, and the one I’ve included here doesn’t even have any meetings or other random things that come up throughout the week. This semester I am working at the west side optometry clinic (CECC), which is a change from working at the on-campus clinic (AECC) I worked at last semester. AECC is much newer, but the patients at CECC are much more interesting. In addition to my regular class and clinic schedule, we also had a VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) meeting on Tuesday night. I am president of the organization and we are busy preparing for our upcoming trip to Guanajuato, Mexico in February. Wednesday night I had a group meeting, but I was fortunate to get out of class early Thursday night so I could spend a little time with Nick Thursday evening. Friday night Nick and I went to La Torre mexican restaurant and then bowling at Classic Lanes to celebrate Nick’s co-worker Megan’s birthday. (Nick is pictured with her youngest son, Evan). Amanda and Jordan joined us for bowling and Nick had the high score of 221 on our lane (my 189 didn’t have a chance)! Saturday and Sunday I took advantage of a relaxing weekend, spending the majority of my time in my “usual spot” studying for Boards. Nick relaxed with me on Saturday, and we ended the night with some frozen yogurt and ice cream from Jiffy Treet. Nick had to work Sunday afternoon, but he will appreciate having an extra day off next week in exchange. Sunday afternoon it got up to 45 degrees, so I took advantage and took the dogs for a walk. After Nick got off work, his friends Dan and Dave came over and we grilled burgers and brats and watched the Cowboys football game. Unfortunately, they are out of the playoffs after getting beat by the Vikings.
Posted by Kacie at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 4-10
Posted by Kacie at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
January 1-3
After welcoming in the New Year with a get-together at our townhouse with food, friends, and Wii fun, Nick and I headed to bed around 2 am on the 1st. We spent the day 1st relaxing, I scrapped and Nick watched football. For dinner we went ate pork roast made by Josh & Lezlie Jones. We ended the night with the movie, “500 Days of Summer.” On the 2nd, I started my KMK Optometry Boards Review class which will run from January 2-5 at the optometry school. The days were long (8 hours of lecture), but I learned a lot and feel more prepared to study for boards (which will be March 16 & 17). During our hour-long lunch break we went to two of my favorite Bloomington restaurants. Saturday we went to Buffa Louie’s, a restaurant just off Kirkwood famous for wings and chicken sandwiches. Sunday we had Mother Bear’s pizza, a IU campus favorite on 3rd street.
Posted by Kacie at 6:38 PM 0 comments