Monday, May 12, 2008

New Camera

The battery on my five year old digital camera has been having problems charging lately, and after it finally died last month, we started looking at buying a new camera. We knew that with three weddings and several other events to attend this summer, we wanted to have a good, working camera. We had looked at several models and read reviews online, but hadn't found anything we liked that was reasonably priced. One weekend our friend Josh who works at Best Buy told us that they had an 8 megapixel Nikon camera on special. For $150 you got the camera, battery, charger, 1 GB memory card and matching case. The only drawback is that the special was only good on the plum (purplish) color camera. After looking at it in person, Nick decided he could live with it and we bought the camera. Now we can take more than 5 pictures without our battery dying! So of course, I had to try out the camera on my most willing subjects - Herky & Kinnick! Here are the results!